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Washington D.C. Alumni Reception

Washington-DC-Alumni-invite-A6-1Please join us for an Augsburg College gathering of alumni, parents and friends.  This uniquely Augsburg reception will be held at OmniEarth Inc., a sci-tech start-up launched by alumnus Lars Dyrud ’97, who serves as President and CEO.  While we gather for food and fun conversation, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Karen Kaivola will discuss how Augsburg is educating students for a life of meaning and purpose in the 21st century.  This is your opportunity to reconnect with Auggies in D.C., don’t miss it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
6-8 p.m.
251 18th St. S., Suite 650
Arlington, VA 22202
Located above the Crystal City Metro Stop
RSVP by Friday, March 20 at or by calling 612-330-1085.